ColdFusion 9 comes with its own serialise and de-serialise function of json,
the downside to this is that extJS will not work natively with that format
of Json. I think I blogged an example on how you can write your own reader
to then convert ColdFusion's JSon by extJS.

As for output into the store, this is easily done by using the datastore
load or via an ajax call manually. Then when the data is returned the store
will do all the hard work for you.

Most of what you are asking is Javascript, and there are plenty of examples
on and their forums to achieve what you are looking for. The
downside as I said is ColdFusion 8/9 native functions have a different JSon
format and therefore need a reader to convert this on the fly as it is read.

If you find yourself getting stuck some more, start with some of the
examples and tutorials, and then use ColdFusion to deliver the content. Even
if it is a basic grid, with a datastore that automatically loads the data
via Ajax. You should not have any problems with this, but if you do then by
all means shoot me an email and I will help you out further.

Andrew Scott

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Small [] 
Sent: Wednesday, 11 January 2012 9:53 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: Convert php to cfm

Hi Andrew, I am using ColdFusion9 and have downloaded json (serialize and
deserialize) from cflibs. Although this may sound naive, can you tell me
where to include both files, also how to cfoutput it via json to my
datastore  as I am a newbie... 

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