I have come up with a solution but it is not working 100%.  It seems like the 
Content-Range header is not working.  I return the correct Content-Length, but 
it always starts at the beginning of the file.  See code below...

<!--- If range is specified, then change some header info --->
<cfif StructKeyExists(GetHttpRequestData().headers, "Range")>
   <!--- Range value --->
   <cfset variables.range = ListLast(GetHttpRequestData().headers["Range"],"=") 
        <!--- Calculate Range length --->
        <cfset variables.max = ListLast(variables.range,"-")/>
        <cfset variables.min = ListFirst(variables.range,"-")/>
        <cfset variables.rangeLength = variables.max - variables.min + 1/>
        <cfheader statuscode="206" statustext="Partial Content">
        <cfheader name="Accept-Ranges" value="bytes">
        <cfheader name="Content-Range" value="bytes 
        <cfheader name="Content-Length" value="#variables.rangeLength#">
   <cfheader name="Content-Length" value="#getFileSize.size#">

<!--- Open the file. --->
<cfheader name="Last-Modified" value="#variables.dateStr#">
<cfheader name="Content-disposition" 
<cfcontent type="application/octet-stream" file="#decryptedDoc#"> 

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