You will also need to make sure that the class/ID names in the markup match
the cAsE.


On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 9:04 AM, Andrew Scott <>wrote:

> Tom,
> See these type of lines
>  dataIndex: 'email',
> This tells the grid to index the data in the store, so in this case you
> will need to make it
>  dataIndex: 'EMAIL',
> Hope that helps.
> On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 2:01 AM, Tom Small <> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Andrews, here is the code for my grid. Thanks Tom
> >
> > -----------------------
> > Ext.define('MyApp.view.ui.UsersDetail', {
> >    extend: 'Ext.panel.Panel',
> >        style: "margin: 0px auto 0px auto;", // center the form panel
> >    frame: true,
> >    height: 450,
> >    width: 410,
> >    autoScroll: true,
> >    layout: {
> >        align: 'stretch',
> >        type: 'vbox'
> >    },
> >    title: '<span class="gridPanelText">Users</span>',
> >
> >    initComponent: function() {
> >        var me = this;
> >
> >        Ext.applyIf(me, {
> >            items: [
> >                {
> >                    xtype: 'gridpanel',
> >                    itemId: 'grid',
> >                    store: 'UserStore',
> >                    flex: 1,
> >                    columns: [
> >                        {
> >                            xtype: 'numbercolumn',
> >                            width: 40,
> >                            dataIndex: 'user_pk',
> >                            format: 0
> >                        },
> >                        {
> >                            xtype: 'gridcolumn',
> >                            width: 165,
> >                            dataIndex: 'email',
> >                            text: 'Email'
> >                        },
> >                        {
> >                            xtype: 'booleancolumn',
> >                            width: 80,
> >                            dataIndex: 'isactive',
> >                            text: 'Is Active'
> >                        },
> >                        {
> >                            xtype: 'numbercolumn',
> >                            width: 90,
> >                            dataIndex: 'userroleid',
> >                            text: 'Role',
> >                            format: 0
> >                        }
> >                    ],
> >                    viewConfig: {
> >
> >                    }
> >                }
> >            ],
> >            dockedItems: [
> >                {
> >                    xtype: 'toolbar',
> >                    flex: 1,
> >                    dock: 'top',
> >                    items: [
> >                        {
> >                            xtype: 'button',
> >                                                        iconCls:
> 'addIcon',
> >                            text: 'Add'
> >                        },
> >                        {
> >                            xtype: 'button',
> >                                                        iconCls:
> 'editIcon',
> >                            text: 'Edit'
> >                        },
> >                        {
> >                            xtype: 'button',
> >                                                        iconCls:
> > 'deleteIcon',
> >                            text: 'Delete'
> >                        },
> >                        {
> >                            xtype: 'tbseparator'
> >                        },
> >                        {
> >                            xtype: 'button',
> >                                                        iconCls:
> > 'importIcon',
> >                            text: 'Import'
> >                        },
> >                        {
> >                            xtype: 'tbseparator'
> >                        },
> >                        {
> >                            xtype: 'button',
> >                                                        iconCls:
> > 'exportIcon',
> >                            text: 'Export'
> >                        }
> >                    ]
> >                },
> >                {
> >                    xtype: 'toolbar',
> >                    flex: 1,
> >                    dock: 'top',
> >                    items: [
> >                        {
> >                            xtype: 'textfield',
> >                            width: 323
> >                        },
> >                        {
> >                            xtype: 'tbspacer'
> >                        }
> >                    ]
> >                }
> >            ]
> >        });
> >
> >        me.callParent(arguments);
> >    }
> > });
> >
> >

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