I have something similar working so, maybe it's a permissions issue.  
Try the CREATE DATABASE AAA code with a DSN that's using the root user.  
Once you've confirmed it works, lock it down from there.

- Rex

On 1/19/2012 9:54 AM, HCI wrote:
> Hi all:
> I've been presented with an interesting problem for which I seem to have hit 
> a wall.  I have an app wherein it would be very handy to be able to have the 
> CF code create a new database as needed IN MySQL.  I've tried the straight 
> CREATE DATABASE AAA in a CFQUERY with an existing datasource and get an 
> exception error reading "Encountered "DATABASE" at line xxx".  I've tried 
> doing the entire SQL string as a variable.  I'm considering putting it in as 
> a stored proc on an existing database and passing in the new database 
> name...but nothing works.
> I saw an earlier thread here that seemed to allude to being able to do this 
> but with no specific examples.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks in advance!

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