Hi Andrew,

That's make sense, thanks.

The reason I wanted to be able to do this is to be able to automate the
transfer of some objects from the server to my local development
environment. Basically on my site clients can build forms. The form, on the
backend is a series of database records with JSON encoded objects and some
related file resources. I wanted to be able to automate the transfer of a
form that a user was getting errors on in the form designer to my local
database and filesystem in order to do debugging on It and re-create the
problem. I can't just copy the DB rows because of the file structure and
files that are integrated with the form object...


-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Scott [mailto:andr...@andyscott.id.au] 
Sent: January-30-12 8:28 AM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: CFFILE to \\tsclient\c$\

That's because you are doing it from the RDC, due to security reasons you
are in a session that is allowed this. But if you were to physically go to
the machine / server you would not be able to see your machine this way.

Now this is where I could be wrong, because my understanding is that if this
was allowed that means any other session, or the server could potentially
open up more security implications. And as ColdFusion is running well before
your RDC session starts, then there will be no way ColdFusion or any other
system outside of your RDC session can access your drives.

So the next question, is why would you want ColdFusion to be able to access
your drive over an RDC session?

Andrew Scott
WebSite: http://www.andyscott.id.au/
Google+: http://plus.google.com/108193156965451149543

On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 2:59 AM, Brook Davies <cft...@logiforms.com> wrote:

> Hi Andrew,
> Essentially, yes. I want the remote CF server that I am connecting to via
> RDP to write a file to my local filesystem. I can access the local file
> system using \\tsclient, so I thought CF, provided it has permissions,
> would
> be able to aswell. But it doesn't look like its gonna happen....
> Brook

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