Hi Raymond, thanks for your reply and
your time (Thank you Andy too),
due to the fact that this issue isn't important for
my customer anymore, I am not investigating this further.

But I did a final check on the mechanism.
The routine itself is working quite well.
What I have seen analysing is, that the raw data in
the customer's field wasn't that nice (mixed HTML-data) after 50-60 lines
which I didn't see from the beginning. So this could have
caused it.

> There's quite a few things here a bit off.

>> <CFQUERY NAME="GetData" datasource="1234" maxrows="10000">
>> FROM xyarticles
>> <cfloop query="GetData" startrow="1" endrow="#GetData.recordcount#">
>> <cfsavecontent variable="str">
>> <cfoutput>#GetData.XYSHORTDESC#</cfoutput>
>> </cfsavecontent>

> Why do you copy the value from the query into a new variable? You don't need 
> to.

>> <cfset textstr = REReplace(str,'<[^>]*>','','all')>

> That line there could be:

> <cfset textstr = REReplace(getDats.xyshortdesc,'<[^>]*>','','all')>

> Also, you can change the regex a bit:

> <.*?>

>>  <CFSET textstr = LEFT(textstr,255)>
>> <cfoutput>
>> #textstr#
>> </cfoutput>

> Ok, so at this point, is textstr ok? What do you see? The issues I
> mentioned above shouldn't actually make things not work.

>> <CFQUERY NAME="UpdateData" datasource="1234" password="12345" 
>> username="frank">
>> update xyarticles set XYSHORTDESC = '#textstr#'
>> where ID = '#GetData.ID#'

> And again - you want to use cfqueryparam - but that shouldn't break stuff


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