Thanks guys, I'll give jquery a try. And to Ray, I think if I have to spend 
much more time on this, I'm going to have to explain it to him. The only reason 
he's being so picky is because he was using MS Access before the conversion and 
he expects the CF app. to work exactly the same way except for the look of the 
input form. He actually told me he wanted the app. to update the database on 
the fly like MS Access does so that if anything goes wrong while entering in 
data, he won't have to type everything in again. It took me forever to convince 
him that not only would it require accessing and updating the database after 
each keystroke and would greatly slow down the app., but that having corrupt 
and/or incomplete data in a database is just bad coding. He's a great guy, but 
he's one of "those" know, the ones that want the near impossible. 

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