The easiest and least obtrusive way i can think of  would be to build the
pagination into the page, as if you wanted it to function like it was
paging without ajax.

Then, use a jquery load call for the link, here is the doc for jquery

The key javascript call looks like this:

$('#result').load('page.cfm?page=2 #result');

This basically says go get page.cfm and find the container with ID result
and load it into the div with ID result on this page.  Then result needs to
be the wrapper around the table / content you are paginating.

On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 8:01 AM, steve artis <> wrote:

> hello, I'm wondering if someone can help me or point me to an example of
> the following:
> I have an application that has a search page. If a user does a search, it
> can kickback any number of records. I want to be able to display 10 records
> at a time and then display a "show more" button and it would load 10 more
> records(showing the 1-10 too), and the user could click the show more
> button until the end of the recordset...etc. I do not want a page refresh.
> What is the best way to accomplish this? Ajax? A cached coldfusion query
> with hidden divs??
> I'm using CF 9, javascript and sql server.
> Also, if you view the homepage of linkedin, there is a perfect example of
> what I'm describing there.
> Thanks.
> Steve

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