Thanks Russ, Scott@fussionapps has been kind enough to give me a nice code..  
The little challenge was that the columns were not fixed and query  results are 
completely dyanmic... 

Just posting it here for reference 

<CFLOOP query="qry_data">
<CFQUERY name="qry_insert" datasource="#request.dsn#">
<CFLOOP from="1" to="#Listlen(qry_data.ColumnList)#" index="i">
<CFIF !i EQ ListLen(qry_data.ColumnList)>, </CFIF>

<CFLOOP from="1" to="#Listlen(qry_data.ColumnList)#" index="i">
<!--- Putting these into variables to make it easier for you to reuse later if 
needed --->
<CFSET variables.ColumnName = qry_data.GetMetaData().GetColumnName(i)>
<CFSET variables.ColumnType = qry_data.GetMetaData().GetColumnTypeName(i)>
<CFSET variables.ColumnData = 

<!--- Check Len so we can insert NULLs where needed --->
<CFIF Len(variables.ColumnData)>
<CFSWITCH expression="#variables.ColumnType#">
<!--- Things that need to be wrapped in single quotes(add as needed) --->

<!--- You can add other cases here if you want --->

<!--- Things that dont --->
<CFIF !i EQ ListLen(qry_data.ColumnList)>, </CFIF>

Note: small corrections may be required to the code.

-----Original Message-----
From: Russ Michaels [] 
Sent: Sunday, March 11, 2012 1:48 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: CFQuery to Database

if its just a few records then use query of query to get your subset of results 
and then insert the results into database B

if this is a regular occurrence and happens often then then you may want to 
look at creating a DTS script on your SQL server and scheduling that to do the 

On Sat, Mar 10, 2012 at 10:32 PM, IT (Pradeep Viswanathan) <> wrote:

> I have couple of records which are filtered from data source x which 
> is oracle based and require to insert it into datasource y which is MS 
> SQL server.
> The number of rows, columns is not fixed, however I have the records 
> in a Query object, what would be the best way to insert get this data 
> into the other database?
> Thanks in advance.
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