
Simple to store a list of already asked questions in the session scope.


-----Original Message-----
From: .jonah [] 
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2012 4:12 AM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: random records no duplicates

Another way is to leave the already asked questions out of your new query
each time:

<cfquery name="getquestion" datasource="#request.DSN#">
    SELECT questions.questionid, questions.questiontext
     FROM questions
     WHERE questions.questionid NOT IN (#listOfPreviouslyAskedQuestions#)

<cfset displayRow = RandRange(1,getquestion.recordcount)>

<cfoutput query="getquestion" maxrows="1" 

On 3/29/12 1:58 AM, .jonah wrote:
> Either keep a list of questions already asked and query again if it 
> tries to give you one you've had before or keep a a copy of the query 
> for each user and remove the row after you ask each question.
> On 3/29/12 1:21 AM, Akos Fortagh wrote:
>> hi there, wondering if someone might be able to help with this please.
>> I have a simple questions table and I'm displaying one randomly generated
question from it at a time. User clicks a button and the page reloads to
give the next question.
>> So far I have this simple bit working fine:
>> <cfquery name="getquestion" datasource="#request.DSN#">
>>     SELECT questions.questionid, questions.questiontext
>>      FROM questions
>> </cfquery>
>> <cfset displayRow = RandRange(1,getquestion.recordcount)>
>> <cfoutput query="getquestion" maxrows="1" 
>> startrow="#displayRow#">#questiontext#</cfoutput>
>> What would be the easiest approach to make sure that one question cannot
be delivered twice?
>> Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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