> I would think there would be some way these functions would
> work to prevent passing invalid data to a cfsqlparam with type
> cf_sql_integer but I couldn't find a way that didn't allow something
> illegal through.

If I know a variable is supposed to be an integer (usually a primary
key), I will do:

<cfparam name="url.id" default="0">
<cfset url.id = abs(val(trim(url.id)))>

This will force the value to a positive integer or zero.  If you just
want to test the variable to see which search type should be

<cfif abs(val(trim(url.id))) eq url.id)>
   <!--- Is positive integer --->
   <!--- Not so much --->

If people are entering values that could include dollar signs and
commas that need to be considered, a regex to remove non-numeric
characters (expect perhaps a period) would probably be the better
choice, or at least a replaceList() to remove the commonly used but
undesired characters before passing it through a sanitizer.

At one point (years ago) Google was hitting pages and throwing very
large numbers into some integer URL variables which caused an
out-of-range error and I even added a min() function with the
resulting "sanitized" value and 2000000000 as the parameters to keep
the value in range, though I haven't seen that for a while, but
something to keep in mind if you see an error like that come up.


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