I think this is an out of date opinion. Adobe is a Gold Sponsor (the only
one) this year at CF.Objective().


On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 2:38 PM, Wil Genovese <jugg...@trunkful.com> wrote:

> True, but I don't think Adobe likes CF.Objective() that much.
> CF.Objective() is a CFML Developers conference, so people from Railo and
> BlueDragon are typically there, presenting, promoting the competing
> products. This has really "irritated" a few people at Adobe in the past.
>  So in this case is makes sense that Adobe releases ColdFusion prior to
> CF.Objective() and then at the conference mentions that "Oh BTW, We
> launched ColdFusion 10 earlier this week."  And yes, some of the people at
> Adobe have been that petty. I've seen it in person and on the twitter feeds
> in the past. Not sure if this is still true today. But this release of CF10
> just two days before CF.Objective() and not AT Cf.Objective() reminded me
> of the past pettiness.
> Just My Humble Opinion.

Cameron Childress
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