> CFDOCUMENT has been the bane of my existence for years. Check out this simple 
> dynamic PDF packaging code which should work...
> <CFLOOP from="1" to="3" index="i">
> <html><body><div 
> style="background:url(http://www.houseoffusion.com/_/hof120.gif)"><BR>&nbsp;</div></body></html>
> <cfset arrayappend(PAGEARRAY,PDFPAGE) />
> <html><body><div 
> style="background:url(http://www.houseoffusion.com/_/hof120.gif)"><BR>&nbsp;</div></body></html>
> <cfset arrayappend(PAGEARRAY,PDFPAGE) />
> <CFPDF action="merge" name="FINALPDF">
>  <cfloop from="1" to="#arraylen(PAGEARRAY)#" index="i">
>   <cfset pointer = PAGEARRAY[i]/>
>   <cfpdfparam source="pointer">
>  </cfloop>
> </CFPDF>
> <cfcontent type="application/pdf" variable="#tobinary(FINALPDF)#">
> If you run this (on CF8 or CF9 - not tried 10) you will notice that the image 
> appears only on the first and last page! Why?
> Because CFDocument ignores background images after the first call when in a 
> loop. I was able to prove this by putting
> the call into a CFINCLUDE inside the loop. But then, if you add a 
> CFDOCUMENTITEM to it, it throws an error: "Routines
> cannot be declared more than once". According to Adobe there was a hotfix for 
> this in CF8, although it did not work for me.
> Anyone know CFDoc well enough to present another solution?

I would expect you can solve this problem by using unique names within
your loop:

<cfloop from="1" to="3" index="i">
     <cfdocument ... name="pdfpage_01_#i#">...</cfdocument>
     <cfdocument ... name="pdfpage_02_#i#">...</cfdocument>

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on
GSA Schedule, and provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
instruction at our training centers, online, or ons

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