Need a little assistance with a struct/array problem please!

Data in question is coming from ONE row in the database.
There are six "fpcomm" cells: fpcomm1,fpcomm2, ... and so on
There are also six "fpord" cells: fpord1, fpord2, ... and so on

So, I need to display the contents of the fpcomm cells, ordered by the 
integer in the fpord cells.
My query is "getNEWS".

The below works great, and sorts the results as I need.

<cfset allNEWS = StructNew()>
<cfloop from="1" to="6" index="i">
    <cfset oneSTORY = StructNew()>
    <cfset oneSTORY.cellID = "#i#">
    <cfset oneSTORY.ord = "#getNEWS["fpord#i#"][1]#">
    <cfset oneSTORY.cell = "#getNEWS["fpcomm#i#"][1]#">
    <cfset allNEWS[oneSTORY.cell] = oneSTORY>
<cfset sortedKeys = StructSort(allNEWS, "numeric", "asc", "ord")>

Here's the problem, maybe fpcomm5 and fpcomm6 are EMPTY (or NULL) on a 
particular day. REGARDLESS, I still need all six positions in 
"sortedKeys" returned.

Let's say for the moment that fpcomm5 and fpcomm6 cells are empty. If I 
do a dump of "sortedKeys", I'll get:
1       Item One
2       Item Two
3       Something Else
4       Even Something Else
5       [empty string]

It INCLUDES the first emtpy row (fpcomm5), but NOT fpcomm6, which looks 
exactly like fpcomm5 in the database.
If fpcomm4, 5, and 6 are empty, it will include fpcomm4, but not 5 and 6.
Weird - it only include the FIRST empty element....

I need the array to always include all six elements. [empty string] is 
exactly what I need - but I need ALL of them.


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