Just to let everyone know, I believe I resolved this issue for Randy.

Appears the CF10 default for creating new DSNs on the server his new
site is on, only enables SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE by default.
 So it's necessary to expand the additional settings and enable the
additional options.

I let our system admins know about this and they are going to look
into if this is a CF10 issue or something with that particular

I checked our internal CF10 servers and this does not seem to be the
case, so it may just be this particular instance.

Byron Mann
Lead Engineer & Architect | Hosting.com | Delaware

On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 3:15 PM, Randy Messer
<rmes...@digitecinteractive.com> wrote:
> HMS moved site to CF10 server. For the past 5+ years I've used scripting 
> quite often to create and alter tables for this site. Now when running script 
> I receive error: Executing the SQL statement is not allowed.
> I can confirm datasource, username, password, dbtype are all correct.
> HMS reviewed code and CF Server setting and respond that everything is set up 
> properly and should work.
> Any ideas?

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