Question: Has anyone ever had to do code re-factoring that involved taking 
attributes from one set of tags and moving them to a different set of tags 
within the same template? For example taking the attributes from the following 
tag <cfmodule template='#header#' sorttable="true" useJQuery='true'> and moving 
them to this tag <cfmodule template='#footer#'>. 

Client has switched to using Boilerplate for JS stuff and wanted all the tags 
that referenced a set of attributes from the site wide header file to be moved 
to the footer file. My first thought was to write up some ColdFusion code to 
parse through all the files and use RegEx to manipulate the code in the 
templates. Then as I thought through all the variables, the amount of code it 
would take to do it, and the fact that ColdFusion doesn't like parsing thought 
thousands of files [read that as request time out setting would be very high], 
I decided to just cut and paste by hand. However I was just wondering if anyone 
else has had to tackle this problem previously and what if any was your 
different solution to the problem.

Side note: My quick search for GREP/ RegEx software to do it for me turned up 
nothing useful. 

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