This is very informative and answers most of my questions regarding CF's 
role.  I will probably be sticking with CF and concentrating more on the 
DB side.

I thank you immensely.

On 7/14/2012 4:07 AM, Nathan Strutz wrote:
> As with most things in ColdFusion, you get convenience over performance.
> If you use a raw database driver (and a front-end platform to handle it),
> you may have the option of streaming results directly out of the database
> and onto a web page. This is extremely performant and uses very little
> memory. This is not what ColdFusion does. CF pulls the results out of the
> database and drops them into a query object. This object looks more like a
> struct of arrays when you dig in (and it essentially is). Furthermore CF
> lets you manipulate the data, change the recordset, query off of it, merge
> it with another, and so on. It's crazy powerful, but not the fastest knife
> in the drawer.
> Adobe ColdFusion uses DataDirect (.com) JDBC drivers for most (if not all)
> of the databases. This makes it convenient for Adobe to farm out that hard
> work while providing a standard interface, but on the other hand, native
> JDBC drivers (i.e. drivers provided by Microsoft, Oracle and other database
> vendors) tend to be a bit quicker because they have a lot riding on their
> performance with Java applications. Those native drivers also usually
> contain more advanced, database-specific features. DataDirect, by their
> very nature, has to take a safer route. Then again, that's DataDirect's
> primary job, and you won't often find them more than a half-step behind and
> often two steps ahead, that's how they make money. Of course, you don't
> have to use the DataDirect drivers. ColdFusion will accept any valid JDBC
> driver (that's why the JDBC spec was invented). But then you still have the
> ColdFusion overhead.
> DataDirect + ColdFusion has the fantastic advantage of managing database
> connection pools, thread pools, network connections, network database
> resolution, security, and so on. If you think you can do a better job by
> writing native Java, then you work at the wrong company. In other words,
> this is way, way more work than anyone should ever sign up for, except
> those people at DataDirect (or Microsoft, or Oracle), or the Adobe CF team
> office. This is the kind of low-level programming that business application
> developers need to avoid in order to stay productive.
> Now, if you have some people who are handy with JDBC and can write great
> Java, it could make sense to put some of your objects into Java, but
> chances are, this is a bunch of baloney also. If your only work in Java is
> some SQL-containing database objects (first off I'd like to point out that
> that's not actually OO), then you are creating more overhead than you
> think. Instead of a CF JDBC-connector object, you'll be creating a custom
> JDBC connector object; personally I'd rather rely on Adobe to get this
> right, either way it's probably about the same amount of actual objects on
> the heap. Yes calling java from CF is lightning quick, and getting results
> back will be sliiiiiightly faster, let me point out a few things about your
> new development lifestyle:
> 1. You now have another language to maintain
> 2. That other language needs to be compiled every time you make a change
> 3. Unless you are on a very recent version of CF, CF may need a restart
> every time you change the Java code
> 4. Your SQL is in that other language, so now it is harder to get to
> 5. Your SQL has to fit into Java strings, so no more pretty line breaking
> and easy reading of SQL for the developers
> 6. There is nothing invented by all of mankind that is simpler than the
> cfquery tag
> 7. You now require CF and Java developers to do what used to take just a CF
> developer
> 8. You lose the ability to do query of queries and other CF manipulations
> So let's go back to the drawing board. First, are you sure you need to
> scale up? Could you scale out instead? Is it possible that a SQL database
> isn't even what you need? When you talk about scalability, maybe going to
> NoSQL databases would be a better fit. How about a cloud-hosted database
> where this conversation wouldn't even exist?
> Going back to the CF speed problem, I know a guy, maybe you know Mike Brunt
> too, he calls himself the cf whisperer, and it's true, he can listen to
> your app and tune your JVM so that it works faster than almost any pure
> Java app.
> If you're experiencing performance problems, almost every single time
> you'll find that you have a poorly tuned database, you're selecting too
> much data at a time, you're using inefficient joins, you don't use
> cfqueryparams, or something similar along these lines. There is a certain
> point, depending on hardware and the application, where you actually do
> have a scalability problem, but from my experience, some proper tuning and
> refactoring will get you way further than you think (until you have to
> spend $millions on "real" server hardware).
> ColdFusion server and its database connections are never the problem in my
> experience. Jumping to Java would be a bad call.
> nathan strutz
> [] [] []
> On Fri, Jul 13, 2012 at 9:57 PM, PT <> wrote:
>> Is there any advantage to having a CFC hand off database operations to
>> java or some derivative over letting cfquery handle them itself?  I have
>> seen people use the CFC as a wrapper for using another language to
>> handle the database access, but I have never seen a concrete explanation
>> for doing this.
>> I am looking for speed advantages, mainly.
>> Is there any language that is faster at database interactions than CF on
>> a large scale, or does it even matter?
>> I am pretty sure no matter what I do, the database is going to be the
>> choke point, but every little bit helps, especially when scaling up and
>> things get wonky.

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