you have probably denied Coldfusion access to the scripts  directory.
whatever user you are running ColdFusion under, make sure it has full
access to the CFIDE.
you can also use sysinternals process monitor to find out exactly what
permissions are being denied.

Also to use the file browser applet always required RDS to be enabled on
the server, which is not advised on a production server.

On Thu, Aug 9, 2012 at 6:19 PM, Carl Von Stetten <>wrote:

> I just installed the 64-bit version of ColdFusion 10 on Windows Server
> 2008R2.  I tried to do the install as close to the CF9 Server Lockdown
> Guide as possible, given that CF9 and CF10 have different underlying
> engines (CF9 is JRun and CF10 is Tomcat, in the Administrator CF9 used Java
> applets for file browsing and CF10 uses jQuery and JavaScript UI
> components).
> Anyway, things seem to be working fine for the most part, except that some
> of the ColdFusion Administrator functionality is broken for me.  Any place
> that requires using the new jQuery file browser throws script errors.  For
> example, when trying to specify an alternative JVM path, clicking "Browse
> Server" results in the error "jQuery is undefined" (see
> ).  Of course, jQuery.js is in the
> same folder as the offending script (jqueryeasing.js), so this makes no
> sense.
> Anyone encountered this before?
> -Carl

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