if you're parsing a HTML file, then the CF engine would never touch the file
and therefore even IF you got the server-side include to work, you'd just
include the CFM template, not execute it.

you have two options:

1) rename your HTML file to a .cfm extension and do the include with the
<cfinclude> tag
2) or, change your web server setting to interpret .htm, .html files as cfm

the obvious choice is (1). If you're really stuck you might do (2).  Or if
you are from the unix school that prefers ".html" over ".htm" then perhaps
leave one for your regular html files and use the other to be parsed by the
CF engine.  IE, leave.html as "true" .html files and use ".htm" to mean the
same as ".cfm".  However, other than the nomenclature this is still the same
as doing (1) above

----- Original Message -----
From: "Eric Fickes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2001 12:18 PM
Subject: <!-#include file="cfFile.cfm" ->

> Hello all,
> Has anyone ever included a cfm file inside of a .html file?  I've got an
> HTML page that I would like to include a small CF page inside of and I
> seem to get it to work.  I've tried the following
> <!-#include file="cfFile.cfm" ->
> <!-#include virtual="cfFile.cfm" ->
> and neither seem to do anything.  Any ideas?
> E
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