Incluiding a .cfm file into a .cfm file isn't going to work.  The .htm file
isn't going to cause .cfm files to process because the web server will not
send it through the cf server for processing.  

The only way it would work in theory is if you set your web server up to
have files with extensions of .htm process through the cf server.  And at
that point you could just go ahead and use a regurlar cfinclude.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Eric Fickes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2001 12:19 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: <!-#include file="cfFile.cfm" ->
> Hello all,
> Has anyone ever included a cfm file inside of a .html file?  
> I've got an
> HTML page that I would like to include a small CF page inside 
> of and I can't
> seem to get it to work.  I've tried the following
> <!-#include file="cfFile.cfm" ->
> <!-#include virtual="cfFile.cfm" ->
> and neither seem to do anything.  Any ideas?
> E
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