Hi Michael,

Just go here:

In the windows column, download the "Railo Server with Tomcat 7", double-click 
it, hit next a few times, done.

With regards to IIS, the installer comes bundled with the BonCode Connector for 
IIS, which is a connector developed natively in .NET by a respected member of 
the OSS CFML community, Bilal Soylu. The connector hands off "CFML-specific" 
requests to Tomcat then Railo for processing, but IIS still handles static 
files such as images, CSS, javascript, etc. You can install the BonCode 
Connector either via the Railo installer or by itself, whichever you prefer.

Documentation for the Installer is in the process of being moved to the GitHub 
wiki and subsequently updated for Railo 4, which is here:

Documentation for the BonCode Connector comes as a PDF when you download it.

Need anything else? Lots of friendly folks both here and on the Railo list so 
just pipe up and ask. =)

Hope this helps!


----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael David" <li...@michaeldavid.com>
To: "cf-talk" <cf-talk@houseoffusion.com>
Sent: Monday, August 20, 2012 8:14:44 AM
Subject: Installing Railo on IIS7.5

Well, its surprising (to me at least), but I am going to give Railo a 
try and see how it goes.

I can't seem to find a IIS7+Tomcat install guide (except for when Plesk 
is installed, which I don't need).  Would someone please point me to a 
non-Plesk guide?

Also is there, from Railo, something similar to Adobe's server 
lock-down guide?

Michael David

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