Hi, Michael...

Have you given any thought to creating a mailing list
for the hottest design paradigm to come along in a loooong time?

Response and Adaptive Web Design

I think there would be a of interest in this, especially, the role
of CF in this design approach.

Nothing, I don't believe, will affect CF developers, who also work
on the front end in design, more than dealing with the various
form factors on which we must present our content.

Any others have any thoughts on this?

Thanks for all your do, Michael.  You'll never know of the lives
and business (mine included) that your mailing list has impacted,
(AND MADE SUCCESSFUL!) by providing a means for newbies to get the
info needed to get us "over the hump", especially in the beginning,
and in constantly helping us expand our knowledge when online
materials that can't respond to our questions just aren't enough,
and we need to "talk" to someone.


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