One of my customers is having a very weird problem with an IFRAME in my site.
Here is the code in file mondossier.cfm:
<IFRAME SRC="monDossierEdit.cfm?type=#type#" WIDTH="950" HEIGHT="650" 
                     STYLE="position:relative;" NAME="admin"></IFRAME>
type is blank

With all browsers, including my own Explorer it works perfectly.
This is the trace how it look in tje server log when the page works normaly:
GET     575     6742    p=monDossier    200     /index.cfm

GET     577     11549   type=   200     /monDossierEdit.cfm

showing that index.cfm?p=momDossier was called, then the iFrame called 
correctly monDossierEdit.cfm?type=

But in my client's case, here is what we get:
GET     543     7380    p=monDossier    200     /index.cfm

GET     543     37336   -       200     /

showing that the iFrame called the domain root instead of the url in the SRC 

My site uses many iFRAMES else where in the system and the client has no 
problem with them, only with this one.

Any idea ?

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