A contrived, slightly expanded example based upon Nathan's code...

    samples = {
        a = "5.24",
        b = "-5.24",
        c = "5",
        d = "-5",
        e = "$5.24",
        f = "$5,244.22"
    for ( key in samples )
        writeOutput( reReplace( reReplace( samples[key], '(-?\d+(\.\d+)?)',
'\1', 'all' ), '[^0-9\.-]', '', 'all' ) & "<br />" );

On Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 9:14 AM, Nathan Strutz <str...@gmail.com> wrote:

> So you need something like
> [^0-9\.-]
> This just adds the dash to your existing match. You could get a lot better
> though, like this
> -?\d+(\.\d+)?
> -? matches an optional negative indiator, aka a dash
> \d+ is just numbers, same as 0-9, the only part of this regex that is
> required
> (\.\d+)? means match a decimal only when it has numbers after it, and this
> entire group is optional
> nathan strutz
> [www.dopefly.com] [hi.im/nathanstrutz] [about.me/nathanstrutz]
> On Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 7:59 AM, Paul Giesenhagen <p...@quilldesign.com
> >wrote:
> >
> > Heya,
> >
> > I know that some will know this quickly ... but I have ReplaceNoCase(str,
> > "[^0-9\.]","","ALL")
> >
> > And this takes -5 to 5 ... which is not what I want - I want to include
> > negative numbers what do I add to this regular expression to keep the
> > decimals (if there) and keep the negative if there?
> >
> > So
> > 5.24 is fine
> > -5.24 is fine
> > 5 is fine
> > -5 if fine
> >
> > $5.24 (replace the $)
> > $5,244.22 (replace the $ and the ,)
> >
> > Basically I need positive and negative integers to go into a float
> column.
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> >
> >
> >

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