You can't add a class to the cftooltip tag itself. Personally, I wouldn't use 
the CF UI tags. You'll get more control using any of the many tooltip jQuery 
plugins out there. That said …

You can always add a style inline using the style attribute. I assume there's a 
reason you're not doing that.

Use Google Developer Tools to see the actual HTML rendered by CF and JavaScript 
(View source only shows you the HTML, not the rendered DOM). By doing this, I 
saw (in CF10):

tooltip is in a div with class of yui-tt, so you can do something like the 

.yui-tt {background:blue;}

Of course, this would be global. Multiple tooltips, each with their own style?

The text you hover over is enclosed in a span, with an id of 
cf_tooltip_(somerandomid). The tooltip itself is in a div with the span's id 
appended with "_cf_tooltip". Wrapping <cftooltip> with a div makes it easy to 
perform specific tasks on that tooltip:

<div id="gotcha">
    tooltip="Hey I am a tooltip generated by CF!">
    Hover over me please

Then use jQuery to act on it and set a class: (assuming you've setup .redbg in 
your CSS)
<script src="";></script>
$(function() {
                el = $(this).find('span[id^=cf_tooltip_]');

Problem: the tooltip div isn't created until it's called the first time, so the 
first time, it'll have the default style. May be a way to cancel the mouseover 
event the first time, set the class, and then re-fire.

Billy Cravens

On Dec 21, 2012, at 5:35 PM, Stephen Hait <> wrote:

> I'm looking for an example of specifying style info for a cftooltip. I'd
> like to specify a class in a style sheet and reference that from the
> cftooltip tag. If that's not possible, how else can I go about this?
> Thanks,
> Stephen

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