Hello all!  I am new to ColdFusion and web development in general, and have 
only had cursory training in programming (Python).  

I have a need for a web page that will accept either an absolute number or 
percentile from the end-user (I'm still having trouble w/ the 'form' 
functionality of HTML), and then set the variable (or parameter?) "rows" to the 
number chosen, then choose THAT number of records at random from the database 
(MSSQL).  Then I would like to display them (in no particular order) in 
plain-old HTML, CSS and other stylization is not important at this point, 
solely the functionality of the page.  Here is my code:

<cfquery name="rs" datasource="#application.dsn#">

<cfset displayRow = randRange(1,rs.recordcount)>
<cfparam name = "rows" default = "5">

<cfoutput query="rs" startrow="#displayRow#" maxrows="#rows#">

The table name is 'DONOR', and the fields I want to display from it are 
'first', 'last', and 'flag'.  I'm wondering at this point why when I run the 
page, the output indeed picks a random record to start with, but then displays 
the next four sequentially instead of choosing the other four at random.  I am 
more than happy to post a screencap of my browser output if need be.  Your help 
is much appreciated as I am quite stumped and I hope you all can point me in 
the right direction. 

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