>Hello CF-Talk,
>I've been a long-time reader of your mailing list and this is my first post :) 
>been working with PDF generation (CF 8.0.1 / Windows & Linux) and have gotten 
>of the known kinks fixed but there's still one problem that I can't get 
>Sometimes when (bold?) text that is supposed to wrap to the next line get 
>(is shown twice)... once on the first line outside the margins of the pdf and 
>again on the next line. <"crude oil prices, meanwhile, rebounded" gets 
>see: https://www.advantagedata.com/page_toPDF.gif> I haven't found the source, 
>usually unbolding the problematic string or the entire paragraph fixes this 
>duplicating bug. Adjusting the scale from 100 to 99.6 sometimes helps too. Has 
>anyone else seen this behavior? My CFDOCUMENT margins are set to zero, and the 
>paragraph content is in a div.
>I'd appreciate any feedback.

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