> I noticed my CF server started timing out a lot lately. Then I looked at the 
> code and on the Application.cfm page at the
> top was this code that I didn't put there. Anybody know what this is and how 
> it might have gotten on the Application.cfm
> pages of the sites on this VPS? Not sure how it got there. Any help in 
> plugging this hole would be appreciated.

The code fetches your page, outputs it, then fetches something from
somewhere else and outputs that also.

The "somewhere else" is this URL:

The content of that URL is:

<script language="JavaScript">function zdrViewState()
var a=0,m,v,t,z,x=new

followed by a snippet of spam for payday loans.

There are many things that could have allowed this to be injected. I
recommend that you configure CF to run as a specific user account, and
give that user account read/execute permissions to your CF files. By
default, CF runs as SYSTEM on Windows, which has full control of all
local files. It doesn't need this level of permissions. Doing this
won't close the vulnerability used to inject the code in the first
place, but it will prevent it from doing anything.

Then, once you've done that, read the CF 9 Lockdown Guide and follow
its instructions as best you can. You should do this as a matter of
course for any CF server install.


Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on
GSA Schedule, and provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
instruction at our training centers, online, or onsite.

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