Try to encode the string to base64 before adding it to the db. So it
becomes <cfqueryparam value="#toBase64(conNote)#"
cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" />.  When you read the data back out of the db,
convert it back to a string like so: #toString(toBinary(field_name))#


On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 11:18 AM, Stephens, Larry V <> wrote:

> One of my table fields (and this occurs in many of my tables) is edited
> using CKEditor. This means the data will look like <p>text data </p>
> I am using Access at the moment, converting to MySQL. I have not tried
> this with the MySQL database; it fails using the Access database. (But, I
> have a number of applications away from work which will continue using
> Access into the near future.)
> My code in an insert query (CF10) is
> <cfqueryparam value="#CovNote#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_longvarchar">
> The error is "Application uses a value of the wrong type for the current
> operation."
> Take out the <p> </p> and it works fine, implying the paragraph tags are
> the problem. Take out the cfqueryparam  (i.e., '#CovNote#') and it works
> fine.
> Any ideas?

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