not okay.  you can't nest tag brackets within CFML, ever.

At 05:20 PM 1/5/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>I've got a cfform with a couple <cfinput type = "Radio"> tags in it. I'm
>trying to put a <cfif> statement within the <cfinput type = "Radio"> tag but
>I keep getting an error. I'm not sure if my syntax is wrong or whether this
>is just not allowed. The code is along the lines of:
><cfinput type = "Radio" name = "language" <cfif variablefromdb is 'english'>
>checked = "Yes"</cfif> >
>The error always references the opening left caret ( < ) that begins the
><cfif> statement. It seems like you should certainly be able to use <cfif>
>conditions inside <cfinput> tags but I can't get it working. When I take out
>the <cfif> statements, it works fine.
>Thanks for help.
>Paul Sinclair
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