Often found it easier to put thing like this in a .bat file and run that
with cf execute.

Sometimes using the DOS 8.3 convention for the path to eliminate the spaces
in the folder names makes the quotes less of a hassle too.

Byron Mann
Lead Engineer & Architect
On Feb 11, 2013 6:18 PM, "Pete Swanson" <peteswanso...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I can't get OpenSSL to run with CFEXECUTE. I've tried different attempts
> at the following but it doesn't work:
> <cfexecute name = "C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin\openssl"
>     arguments = "aes-256-cbc -a -salt -in ""C:\Users\Dev2\Documents\My
> Stuff\OpenSSL\secrets.txt"" -out ""C:\Users\Dev2\Documents\My
> Stuff\OpenSSL\secrets2.txt"""
>     variable = "result"
>     timeout = "5">
> </cfexecute>
> <cfdump var="#result#">
> But then I'll run CFEXECUTE with OpenSSL, and just one argument, "version"
> for example, and it runs fine.
> Is there a way to do CFEXECUTE with multiple arguments?
> Pete

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