A fairly inexpensive and easy to implement fraud screening service is
maxmind minfraud.

It's something like 0.005 per transaction methinks.

Another method I didn't see in the thread was doing an email confirmation
before performing the cc transaction. Like  send an email to the user with
a unique ID the user must click to verify a legit email address was used.

Can still be bot'd but requires a bit more work on their part, which might
be enough discourage since there are a lot of other places for them to go
do their dirtiness.

Byron Mann
Lead Engineer & Architect
On Feb 11, 2013 11:13 AM, "Rick Faircloth" <r...@whitestonemedia.com> wrote:

> Hi, guys...
> I'm been running my first eCommerce setup with a donation
> page/form using Authorize.net.
> Things have been running fine, excepts for spammers using
> the donation form to find legitmate CC numbers so they could
> abuse the card in other ways.
> I've assumed, up to this point, that the spammers are bots,
> not humans.  The spam attempts happened every 15-30 seconds
> for about an hour, then they stop.  Very few are able to
> successfully process a transaction, but I'm trying to stop
> the form from being submitted.
> I've tried honey-pot traps, then moved to CF's captcha (at
> its default level of difficulty). So far, the spam attempts
> keep coming and my client is wondering if they need to get
> someone (besides me) to handle the donations since I can't seem
> to stop the spam.
> I realize that if someone is hiring cheap human labor for $1
> per day to sit and enter form info, that I can't stop that,
> but if it is bots doing the spamming, will making CF captcha
> more difficult to read have a good chance of stopping the bots,
> or do I need to get with reCaptcha.  I like using CF's solution,
> because I can code it myself.  But if it doesn't work...
> Thoughts on this? I've got to get a solution working.
> Thanks for any feedback!
> Rick

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