> What is the best practice here?  I found a site which suggested proxying
> the requests to the CF server's port number like this...
> <VirtualHost ... >
> # proxy requests to tomcat on port 8500
> ProxyPreserveHost on
> ProxyPassMatch ^/(.+\.cf[cm])(/.*)?$ http://localhost:8500/$1$2
> </VirtualHost>
> And I figure the other method would be to simply create separate instances
> of Apache, then I could use the wsconfig tool.
> Which method is "recommended"?

I don't see why you'd do the first approach on a single box. This
approach is commonly used to let you separate your web and application
tiers onto different boxes (often for security reasons).

Historically, the wsconfig tool doesn't work all that well with
Apache, so you'd typically have to do a bit of httpd.conf editing
after the fact. I don't know if that's still the case, to be honest.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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