I did not have any time out issues.  I'd do what Bobby suggests and add the
flag, that way a timeout doesn't kill what you had accomplished.  I'm
presuming you are doing this in a dev environment, so you can always
increase your timeout times so that it runs.


On 2013-03-07 12:58 PM, "Torrent Girl" <moniqueb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> >Here you go.
> >
> ><Cfquery name="GetUserPasswords">
> >select memberid, password from users
> ></cfquery>
> ><cfoutput>#getUserPasswords.RecordCount#</cfoutput><!---Just to see how
> >many we have --->
> ><Cfset salt = ''/>
> ><cfset newpassword = ''/>
> ><Cfset count = 0/>
> ><cfloop query="GetUserPasswords">
> ><cfset salt = generateSecretKey("DESEDE" )/>
> ><Cfset newpassword = hash( hash(password[currentrow]) &
> >user.salt,"SHA-256","us-ascii")/>
> > <cfquery name="updateUser">
> >UPdate users set password = '#user.password#', salt = '#user.salt#'
> >where memberid = '#memberid[currentrow]#'
> > </cfquery>
> ><Cfset salt= ''/>
> >        <cfset newpassword = ''/>
> ><Cfset count = count +1/>
> ></cfloop>
> >  and we changed <cfoutput>#count#</cfoutput>
> >
> >Again, you will want to change one account and test it to make sure that
> >your login routine will validate the password and login the user.  Then
> you
> >can just run this on the whole table, no muss no fuss.  You won't have to
> >make the users change anything, their passwords will just be secure.  You
> >will also have to come up with a Forgot Password routine, since the
> >passwords are irretrievable.
> >
> >Cheers,
> >
> >Rob
> >
> >
> Hi Rob
> Did you have a problem with timeouts or out of memory errors?
> I have quite a bit of records

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