Sounds like you are on the right track by using FusionReactor.

Somewhat refreshing to see someone this concerned with memory usage in the
age of affordable hardware. If everyone was like this our shared CF servers
would probably be much happier.

My example, we had a template that just did a port scan and we put it in
our billing app for simplicity sake. At first there were only about 10 cron
jobs hitting it per minute, but then got to about 500. We continually had
issues with memory and slow down in the cluster. So we started looking at
the server monitoring and eventually figured out the number of sessions
spawning from that template was the issue.

We didn't account for the fact we have a fairly good size default session
in the billing app, coupled with the session timeout being 4 hours. Over
time it caused the issue. So we put the file in it's own sessionless app,
and a week of misery was gone.

Byron Mann
Lead Engineer & Architect

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