> Is it ok to manually edit the jvm.config file in CF10? (after backing 
> it up, of course)
> We would like to change the Java File Encoding setting.
> I ask because of the Note at the end of this section of the  'Getting 
> Started with Tomcat in ColdFusion 10' on the Adobe ColdFusion Blog 
> (http://blogs.coldfusion.com/post.
> cfm/getting-started-with-tomcat-in-coldfusion-10 ):
> Basic Directory structure Changes - the comparison between ColdFusion 
> 9 and ColdFusion 10
> 1.
> All the folders under ColdFusion9 -- > ColdFusion10\cfusion
> 2.      ColdFusion9\runtime\jre -- > ColdFusion10\jre
> 3.      ColdFusion9\runtime\bin\jvm.config -- > 
> ColdFusion10\cfusion\bin\jvm.config
> 4.      ColdFusion9\runtime\lib\wsconfig (for connector configuration 
> ) -- > ColdFusion10\config\wsconfig
> 5.      ColdFusion9\uninstall --> ColdFusion10\uninstall
> ColdFusion10\config folder is created only in ColdFusion 10. So, what 
> does it contain?
> 1.
> Connector configuration files -- > ColdFusion10\config\wsconfig
> 2.      Instances configured  -- > ColdFusion10\config\instances.xml
> 3.      Clusters configured -- > ColdFusion10\config\cluster.xml
> Note :Dont manually change these above mentioned files.
> I assume this Note applies to just the second set of files and not ALL 
> of 'the above mentioned files' but I'd like to be sure before we 
> proceed.
> Thanks!
> George

Sorry about the bad formatting that transferred into my original post above. 

Our server admin says he routinely manually modifies the jvm.config file but he 
doesn't see where in this file to change the Java File Encoding setting. Does 
anyone know where to do that?



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