At 02:41 AM 1/7/01 -0500, Dave Watts wrote:
>> [...] There is NO performance penalty over properly used manual read locking.[...]
>Are you sure there's no performance penalty? How much testing have you done
>on this? Or, are you relying on a test done by someone else? How accurate
>was that test?

Got me. I am replying on someone else's testing. I have not tested it myself.

>> I submit that the "right way" is to use Automatic Read 
>> locking for those shared scopes that you use in your 
>> application. Use manual write locking for writes. I challenge 
>> anyone to give an example where this ISN'T the right thing to 
>> do from a complexity or performance point of view.
>Here's an example. I write an application, and sell it to someone else. They
>deploy it on their server, and for whatever reason, don't enable automatic
>read locking. They run the application, and it explodes under heavy load.

To some extent this is circular reasoning: Automatic read locking is bad because if I 
use it someone might disable Automatic read locking, in which case it will not work.
Plenty of applications have requirements for their environment. I see no significant 
difference between the instructions for an application stating "You must set up a 
datasource for Client variables. Do not use 'registry' Client variables with this 
application." and "You must turn on Automatic Read Locking for Application scope 
variables with this application."

>Now, you could certainly argue that I could just remind them that they
>should have enabled automatic read locking, but if I can avoid a potential
>problem with an end-user's configuration by changing how my software works,
>without rearchitecting the entire application, it's in my business interest
>to do so and avoid the potential problem.
>> And I also agree with Benjamin that automatic EVERYTHING 
>> locking, implemented properly inside the Cold Fusion server, 
>> would be the true "right way" to do it.
>I agree with this as well, but I'm willing to accept the possibility that
>it's not as easy as we might think it is. In any case, we've got to write
>code that works on the servers that we have now.
>Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
>voice: (202) 797-5496
>fax: (202) 797-5444 

Peter Theobald, Chief Technology Officer
Phone 1.212.545.1232 x204 Fax 1.212.545.0938

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