> Now, I can't say this for ALL interfaces, even Gmail, without
> some research, which I don't want to do for the sake a constructive
> discussion, but most of the time, I've found that I have to
> delete emails by checking their box or by clicking delete.
> In Outlook, for example, I can run down a few dozen emails and save
> those I want to folders, and just hit the delete key to get rid
> of those I don't want to save. Very fast. (Perhaps I tried the
> Delete key on the web interfaces, perhaps not... not sure)

This is not correct. You can easily select a block of messages and
delete them. You can select ranges by clicking the checkbox of one,
then shift-clicking the checkbox of another. Or you can use the
"select message" keyboard shortcut. And of course you can select
messages with filters or searches, and delete all matches, etc, etc,

> Yes, I can review subjects and check boxes as I go, then delete
> those I don't want to read, but, if I recall correctly, if I check
> emails for deletion, but then decide to read one after checking said boxes,
> then when I return to the view displaying the subject line, the
> previously checked boxes are typically unchecked, requiring me to
> re-check the emails for deletion. I would prefer an AJAX solution
> with a little red X that I click and the email fades away.

This is not correct. Messages in a view will stay selected even if you
read one of those messages. You can also select or deselect all
messages in a view with a single click.

> But my discussion began with a concern about being able to archive
> conversations, in conversation view (and yes, I would like the archive
> to display by Message ID, and not by Subject as Outlook does. It's
> HIGHLY ANNOYING when all messages with the same subject like "Website"
> get lumped into the same conversation.

I have to kind of agree with Cameron here. You asked for a solution to
your problem. We gave one. You rejected it for reasons that aren't
valid. What's the point of asking, if you're not willing to invest the
time to see whether these solutions would work for you?

If your objection to Google Apps is that you have to pay for it,
that's a valid reason to reject it I guess. Although I think my own
personal email is definitely worth $50 per year, I can see why other
people might not place that value on their own email. But that's not
even what you're doing here.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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