Hi Folks,
We are wrestling with a tricky problem here and I thought I would try to 
get some input on it.
We run a copy of the Fusetalk forum product (Professional Edition v 4.0) on 
our own servers using CF 9.0.1.  All patches are up to date.  A Fusetalk 
admin feature uses a tabbed cflayout and it is not working. The
cflayoutarea content is populated using a url in the source attribute. The 
page for the cflayoutarea content contains a cfform with only the name
attribute set. When the cfform is submitted the expected behaviour is that 
page would post to itself, which would be 
The problem is that when the page posts back the cgi.query_string value is 
empty string. We would expect the cgi.query_string value not to be an empty
string because the url in the cflayoutarea's source attribute contains 
string parameters.

The behavior does not happen on the Fusetalk support's test servers and 
they say they haven't seen this happen before. In our own application, we 
have not seen a cgi.query_string variable go missing before, but we 
generally don't use cflayout or cfform very often.
This wasn't always a problem and may have emerged after either a CF or 
Windows upgrade / update (but I'm not sure which one) in the last year or 
so.  However, that's a little speculative.
Your thoughts and insights would be greatly appreciated.


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