I'm currently experiencing stability issues with CF 8 standard due to what I 
think is high traffic loads on the sites its running.

There are 6 sites on this particular instance of CF8 and collectively they're 
averaging at around 750 pages per second which result in around 6000 SQL 
queries per second (that's queries, not transactions) when measured over a peak 
24 hour period. At peak times (just before and just after lunchtime) then I can 
see as many as 1250-1500 pages per second and 10,000 to 12500 SQL queries per 

It's at these peak times that CF starts to queue requests and then restart. 
Clearly this is not desirable but I haven't got any numbers to compare it with 
to see if I'm hitting CF's limits on the hardware available to it or whether I 
can or should be tweaking the CF code and JVM some more.

For comparison, a normal 24 hour period is characterised by an average of 
around 200 pages per second with around 1500 queries per second and CF has no 
problem with that.

The sites in question are job sites so there's a lot of searching going on 
using K2 and SQL to merge aspects of the jobs with geo-location data such as 
distance from a postal/zip code.

As you can see from the numbers there's an average ratio of 8 queries to 1 page 
request which I believe for the site is pretty lean. 

Do any of these numbers look out there. Is anyone else running these numbers 
(or higher) on a CF standard install?

Hardware wise it's running on a DELL PowerEdge 2650 with 4GB RAM and Dual Xeon 
processors running@3.33GHz.



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