it is actually an RFC that an email must have a body, so I suspect that is
now enforced in javax.mail.which is a good thing, as this means it is RFC
As you have said that adding a body to these messages makes them send, then
you have already found the solution, just add a body to the original emails.

On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 5:56 PM, Zad I <> wrote:

> Ever since upgrading to CF10, we've been having some odd issues with our
> automated ColdFusion emails.  The processes always functioned properly in
> the past, but lately we've been getting some very out of the ordinary
> issues which I'll describe further below.
> We discover the problem usually from contacts who usually receive these
> emails on a daily basis with or without attachments.  We'll go to the
> CFMAIL directory for the corresponding server and find a slew of emails
> stuck in the 'Undelivr' emails.  In some cases, we can just move these
> emails to the Spool folder and they process fine, but in most cases they
> result in one of the two errors below:
> Error 1: In an email which normally does not contain a body and contains
> an attachment, the follow error is what we found in the logs:
> -----------------
> "Error","scheduler-1","01/15/13","14:09:56",,"javax.mail.MessagingExce
> ption: missing body for message"
> javax.mail.MessagingException: missing body for message
>                 at
> coldfusion.mail.MailImpl.createMessage(
>                 at
> coldfusion.mail.MailSpooler.deliver(
>                 at
> coldfusion.mail.MailSpooler.sendMail(
>                 at
> coldfusion.mail.MailSpooler.deliverFast(
>                 at
>                 at
>                 at
> -----------------------
> Placing these emails that have always been sent out this way in the past
> without an attachment in the spool directory causes it to go right back in
> the 'Undelivr' folder and resulting in the same error.  We ended up having
> to modify the email file and add random content in the body message, place
> it back in the spool directory, and it went through.  - Mind boggling.
> Error 2:
> ------------------
> "Error","scheduler-2","02/04/13","09:08:17",,"javax.mail.MessagingExce
> ption: Exception reading response;   nested exception is:
> Connection reset"
> Both errors occur randomly and we have not been able to find out what
> causes them randomly from time to time.  All other emails go through fine,
> but certain emails will never go out and end up in the 'Undelivr' folder.
> We are running them on Windows Server 2008 64bit.

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