They got back to me, I think I pretty much shot down their theories.

1- Application scopes are still present without an* file and
shared across all sites with no app file
2- Garbage Collection performs better when applications are defined
3- Poor structure which leads to more support calls, for things like server
settings that can be modified on a per-app basis

1 - False to best of my knowledge, unless there is a file further up the
directory structure, which there shouldn't be. Plus, I'm thinking the
sandboxes would prevent that file from loading anyhow.  I tested this
theory on 7/8/10 and was not able to produce the issue, except when I put
an app file in a higher directory.  Did not try with a sandbox enabled.
2 - I'm not a GC guru, but I would think having less in memory usage
(application, sessions) would result in just the opposite.
3 - We have many more poor coding practices to address for customers than
this.  Like requesting 10 day timeouts for session variables, etc.

Background is, they are pushing to upload a default application.cfc to the
webroot for new sites. I'm shooting it down with my thinking that
application.cfc takes precedence over application.cfm. Which a good number
of customer sites still use, and would result in many broken customer sites
out of the box.

I'm correct in thinking it just searches up the file system structure to
the system root right?  No CF mappings or any other craziness occurs?  I
think in 10 you can even set the server to stop looking up beyond the

Byron Mann
Lead Engineer & Architect

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