There are lots of folks that run multiple instances of Railo. I would
recommend joining the Railo list and posting your question there.!forum/railo

On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 9:44 AM, Ian Chapman

> Hi Guys,
> I did post this in the CF-Server group but it seems quiet in there
> usually, so sorry for this repost in here....
> We are due to upgrade the hard disks in our two CF web servers and are
> considering fresh installs of a CF server and applications, partly as a
> clean up
> and also to upgrade CF to a more recent version.
> We are currently running Windows Server 2008 RC2 on two servers (mirrored
> and
> accessed via a load balancer) with IIS 7 and ColdFusion MX server 7.1.
>  And CF is
> running on JRun. We have 3 Jrun/CF instances which splits our application
> by type
> so we can restart as certain JRun instance if required without affecting
> other
> applications.
> When MX 7.1 was installed previously we know the tech guy had a nightmare
> with
> the dll’s which IIS uses to connect to Jrun and had to run IIS in 32 bit
> mode
> using 32 bit drivers.
> We would like to remove these issues and the best way may be to upgrade to
> a
> later version of CF server which runs on true 64 bit IIS. The powers that
> be will
> not allow the cost of upgrading to a later Adobe CF Server version.. So we
> are
> considering Railo and are testing a single instance installation at the
> moment.
> Does anybody have experience of running Railo on multiple J2EE instances?
> If so have they any resources which give verbose and accurate step-by-step
> setup
> instructions?
> And which J2EE server were they running of those recommended for Railo?
> Any advice appreciated as this will be our first CF reinstall since the
> previous
> guy left the company.
> Regards,
> Ian.

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