I don't use setName() in my script based queries and it works. If I need a
result back from the query, then I use a different variable name
(v.perviousPayPeriod) from the one I use to construct and execute the query
(v.payPerQ). Here's an example of some working code:

v.payPerQ = new Query();
  select paymentPeriodId
  from PaymentPeriod
  where startDateTime = :startDateTime
  and endDateTime = :endDateTime
  and isClosed = 1
 v.payPerQ.addParam( name='startDateTime',
value='#v.previousStartDateTime#', cfsqltype='cf_sql_timestamp' );
 v.payPerQ.addParam( name='endDateTime', value='#v.previousEndDateTime#',
cfsqltype='cf_sql_timestamp' );
 v.previousPayPeriod= v.payPerQ.execute().getResult();
 if (v.previousPayPeriod.RecordCount) {
   ... do something
 } else {
   ... do something else

On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 12:44 PM, Raymond Camden <raymondcam...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Two things.
> 1) Don't forget that the code behind the script based CFCs is not
> encrypted. You can look at base.cfc.
> 2) The issue seems to be this line:
> <cfset tagResult.setResult(StructFind(variables,tagAttributes['name']))>
> But - it is wrapped in a try/catch, so you shouldn't be seeing it. If you
> get rid of the setname aspect, which I don't think you need, does it work
> ok?
> On Sun, Oct 13, 2013 at 9:59 PM, Kumar Shah <shahku...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > This is the first time I am creating components wholly in cfscript.
> >
> > When running update or insert statements via the cfscript query functions
> > an error gets recorded like:
> > 22:52:17.017 - Expression Exception - in
> > C:/ColdFusion9/CustomTags/com/adobe/coldfusion/base.cfc : line 460
> >
> >             Cannot find updSaveXML key in structure.
> >
> >
> > The system still processes fine. The query runs, data gets saved,
> > updated. I don't know why the error above gets reoorded.
> >
> > I ran a simple test with code:
> >
> > local.qryObj = new Query(datasource="PNGOasis");
> > local.qryObj.setName("test");
> > local.qryObj.setSQL("
> >         INSERT INTO PNGOasisExt.dbo.Test(testValue) VALUES ('test value')
> > ");
> > local.qryObj.execute();
> >
> > Same Error:
> >
> > 22:58:48.048 - Expression Exception - in
> > C:/ColdFusion9/CustomTags/com/adobe/coldfusion/base.cfc : line 460
> >
> >             Cannot find test key in structure.
> >
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> >
> >

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