Another alternative, if you are using CF 8 and above, is the content
attribute of the cfmailparam tag.  You can use this to attache the binary
data itself as an attachment,  that way you do not have to rely on a file
existing on the server at the time the mail is sent.  Read the file into a
variable and then add it to the content attribute and delete the file.  I
am actually saving the file contents into the database, and then dropping
the value of the database column directly into the cfmailparam tag.  It has
been working great, and no need for file clean up.

Ben Nadel has a great blog about it.

Brian Cain

On Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 8:08 AM, Steve LaBadie <>wrote:

> I have a web-based form that requires the user to upload a document.
> Everything works fine until I try and delete the document after delivery.
> With the delete action enabled the email does not get delivered. I have
> place the action=delete inside and outside of the </cfmail>
> <cfif isDefined("form.attached") AND form.attached NEQ "">
> <cffile action="upload"
> destination="f:\inetpub\wwwroot\......\......\upload" mode="644"
> nameConflict="overwrite" fileField="form.attached">
> <cfset
> attachment="f:\inetpub\wwwroot\......\......\upload\#cffile.serverFile#">
> </cfif>
> <cfprocessingdirective suppresswhitespace="no">
>                 <cfmail from="#......#" to="#......#" subject=""
> type="html">
>                                 <cfsilent><cfif FORM.attached neq
> ""><cfmailparam file="#attachment#" /></cfif></cfsilent>
> </cfmail>
> <cfif isDefined("form.attached") AND form.attached NEQ "">
>                 <cffile action="Delete" file="#attachment#">
>                 </cfif>
> Steve LaBadie, Web Manager
> East Stroudsburg University
> 570-422-3999
> [facebook-16x16]<>
>  [twitter-16x16] <>   [youtube-16x16] <

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