Hello and thanks in advance  :) 

I have a flash cfform and on this form I have a cfinput button with an onclick 
event that calls some JavaScript.  This JavaScript attempts to run the onclick 
event of another cfinput button on another flash cfform.  

The problem I''m having is that when I attempt to reference the forms nothing 

If I run:

var FrmOne = document.forms[ 0 ];

I get an alert that says only "[OBJECT]"

If I run:

var FrmOne = document.forms[ 0 ];

I get an alert with an empty string. (Btw the form has both a NAME and an ID)

It's as if JavaScript cannot find the forms, but if I run a JavaScript count of 
the form elements on the page it comes back with 2, which is what I would 

I've successfully fired the onclick event of a cfinput on a cfform format=flash 
before and I've been scouring every forum I can find, but no one seems to have 
covered this particular problem, unless of course I've just been searching it 
all wrong.

Any help is very appreciated!! 

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