I don't recall messages involving WebCharts 3D here so I'm posting this here 
instead of Ray Camden's blog (where some of this originates).

I needed finer control over some charts than what I could easily glean from the 
Adobe help pages. I found information at 
 that was very helpful. I installed WebCharts 3D v. 5.4 and am still muddling 
through it but have 2 questions. 

The pertinent code is:

Section 1 (not shown) is setting up a query to use; it's borrowed from the 
above page.

Section 2:

<cfsavecontent variable="cxml">
        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <pieChart depth="Double" style="Solid" angle="0" seriesTitle="xxx" 
isMultiline="false" is3D="false">
                   <labelFormat style="Currency" 
                   <parseFormat pattern="#,##0.###"/>
                   <groupStyle isMultiline="true">
                                <format pattern="#,##0.###"/>
          <dataLabels style="Pattern" font="Arial-13" autoControl="true">
                        $(colLabel) $(value)\n$(colPercent)
          <legend spacing="0" placement="Top" halign="Left">
                   <decoration style="None"/>
          <elements drawOutline="false" drawShadow="false">
                   <morph stage="Cols"/>
                   <heatmap isEnabled="false" minLevel="0.0" maxLevel="0.0"/>
          <popup decoration="Shadow"/>
          <paint palette="Modern" paint="Light" max="100"/>

Q1: This is a bit different from the Camden page (and some may be superfluous 
[still muddling]) but the core element is autoControl="true". This is what 
keeps the labels from overwriting each other. Works great, but I can't find it 
in WebCharts' design process or documentation. This concerns me. Are there 
other tweaks not in the docs? Is it no longer actively supported and might 
disappear in some upgrade?

Section 3:

<cfchart format="png" chartheight="800" chartwidth="800"  style="#cxml#">
 <cfchartseries type="pie" itemcolumn="fruit" valuecolumn="total" query="q" 


Going back to Section 2, you'll see is3D="false"  You can see an example of 
this at http://inlocc.iu.edu/orm/test.cfm  Looks pretty good (ignore the screwy 
labels; they are strange because I combined his data with my xml). But change 
this to is3D="true" at http://inlocc.iu.edu/orm/test2.cfm and you get an oval 
instead of a circle. If you add some tilt the ovalness becomes much more 

Q2: Any insights or is this just the way it is? I'm curious why they offer the 
3D option if it's going to look od

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