
There is no 64-bit version of the ImageCR3 tag, but there is a  ImageCR3
Windows Service you can run on 64-bit servers that works well as a drop-in
(e.g. no code changes) replacement.

I believe this is the general process that we used for one of our Clients.
(Note: I copied most of this from a Stack Overflow page.)

--- Begin Copy from Stack Overflow ---
It appears that the C++ CFX tax is 32 bit and is compatible with ColdFusion
64-bit version. Efflare currently has a beta installer on their VIP download
site, cfx_imagecr_3_service_beta_081030.exe, which is the Java tag.

This was a bit tricky to figure out at first, but once you install the beta
make sure you follow these steps:

1. Install the Beta Installer to C:\efflare\ (Do not install to C:\Program
Files (x86)!)

2. Start the windows service 'Efflare ImageCR 3 Service'

3. Open the CF Administrator then go to Java and JVM, in the ColdFusion
Class Path add:

4. Restart ColdFusion

NOTE: The class path if for the default ColdFusion 10 install. The first
path must point to the directory where you have a cfx.jar file. If you get
the error -java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError Exception
com/allaire/cfx/CustomTag it is because the class path is not pointing to
where the cfx.jar file is located at.
--- End Copy from Stack Overflow ---

I also have a copy of the " cfx_imagecr_3_service_beta_081030.exe"
installation file, if you need.  (Just email me off-list...)

Please let me know if you have any questions, or need additional

Good Luck!


Christian N. Abad - President

Accessible Computing™, Inc.
1210 McLaughlin Drive
Charlotte, NC 28212
704.900.1825 (Direct Line)
-----Original Message-----
From: Russ Michaels [] 
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2013 6:06 AM
To: cf-talk
Subject: cfx_imagecr3

hey chaps,

So I have a client with a site which uses this tag, but we only have the
32bit version which is no good as they are now on a 64bit server.
Have tried to buy a new copy from EFFALRE but it seems efflare have gone out
of business (several years ago so I have been told)  and any orders you make
via the website never get processed

does anyone have a copy of cfx_imagecr3 64bit they can share ?



*Russ Michaels*
*skype*: russmichaels

*My other sites/projects*           : SME hosting solutions        : ColdFusion/Railo developer hosting             : ColdFusion search engine               : Live CFML console/testing tool

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