I can't believe I was that stupid...

So I installed IIS (getting frustrated with Apache). I FINALLY get that
working and same issue.. WTF...

So I check out other small CFM files and finally get to my index.cfm of the
site (fusebox based). Great. Fusebox is failing on me...

I peek in and what do I find..

<cfif cgi.REMOTE_ADDR is ''>
    <cfset FUSEBOX_PARAMETERS.mode = "Development-full-load" />
    <cfset FUSEBOX_PARAMETERS.mode = "Production" />

It breaks there..


OOOOHHHH..... Yeah. I'm not hitting it from 127 anymore...

So I change it to this..

<cfif cgi.REMOTE_ADDR is '' or cgi.REMOTE_ADDR contains

Kabam.. Works.

I feel so stupid right now.

To my defense though, I've coming off an all nighter of coding..

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