Hi Jon, that's really interesting and thank you for the advice!

I had an idea that something like this would be required, it's just setting up 
the right system to accommodate.

Do you freelance? Would you be interested in helping me out on this project? It 
is somewhat outside my area of comfort!


> Though I’m a huge fan of CB, here’s really no need for Coldbox, if all 
> you want is the SES URL functionality, plus CW isn’t really designed 
> in a way that plays well with frameworks.  I had a CartWeaver site set 
> up a few years ago with SES urls.   The steps to modify are, basically, 
> as follows:
> 1)  create a unique slug/tag column on all of your categories and 
> products and populate those using the a regex “slugification” of 
> category/product name. (You’ll need to add the form field in the admin 
> for the cats and products as well - or you can auto-create it on save 
> and edit it later) 
> 2)  create a tag lookup function for categories and products that 
> pulls the slug, based on the ID
> 3)  call that function from your cat/subcat/production landing pages 
> using an 
> if(isNumeric(id)){
>       //Look up your tag from the id and redirect here...
> } 
> and use a 301 redirect to the SES url page - this will allow all of 
> the CW generated links to resolve correctly, or you can replace the id 
> in the url with the slug variable.
> The above assumes you have mod_rewrite or are using one of the IIS 
> rewrite options.
> You’ll need to create some sort of redirect rules in place to “pretty 
> up” the extension pages and handle the category->subcategory->product 
> links (name/value pairs work well here), but there are all sorts of 
> examples and tutorials for mod-rewrite, ISAPI rewrite and IIS URL 
> Rewriting out there.
> HTH,
> Jon
> On Feb 10, 2014, at 9:07 AM, Matt Gibson <gibson...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > 
> > Hi guys, some advice or guidance would be great on this please.
> > 
> > We are using Cartweaver 3 and have basic redirects setup for our 
> category pages, product pages and brand pages.
> > 
> > In my opinion the redirects are very logical and work well, however 
> we have been advised by our SEO company that we now need to tidy the 
> links up making them just contain pertinent information rather than 
> containing id's etc. Also the ability to add forward slashes to each 
> level of category apparently is important too.
> > 
> > So after researching around it seems Coldbox with SES urls is the 
> way to go, my question is is this possible with Cartweaver and if so 
> will it require a complete rebuild of the site or can I integrate it 
> without much disruption?
> > 
> > FYI
> > 
> > Our first level categories go to
> > subcat.cfm
> > 
> > Our second levels go to
> > subsubcat.cfm
> > 
> > Our third level categories go to
> > results.cfm
> > 
> > and our product pages go to
> > details.cfm
> > 
> > I am a novice when it comes to Coldfusion, I understand the language 
> but I'm not sure where to start with this. Please help!
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > 
> > Matt 
> > 
> > 

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